the avian crisis | capstone project

degree project | senior studio II | uarts | senior year

The Spring 2021 semester’s primary focus is the development and resolution of the Degree Project. The Senior Studio II course guides students in choosing appropriate media, format, and structure to communicate a particular story or subject matter while considering a specific audience. The project is based on a well-conceived thesis approved by a team of advisors. It is created, researched, chosen, and edited entirely by the student.

My degree project resulted from an NPR Radio report covering North America’s enduring massive bird loss crisis. The story’s staggering detail stirred me to write my thesis, entitled “The Avian Crisis,“ on the tragic findings. As a wildlife-lover, I created a meaningful and accountable platform with a message that will enlighten and encourage the public to act now before the precious time we have runs out. We can reverse this cycle and sustain the avian community.

The Avian Crisis Home screen 1.

The Avian Crisis Home screen 2.

The Avian Crisis Menu screen.

The Avian Crisis Intro story 1.

The Avian Crisis Intro chart 1.

The Avian Crisis Intro chart 2.

The Avian Crisis Intro chart 3.

The Avian Crisis Intro story 2.

The Avian Crisis Prevention story 1.

The Avian Crisis Prevention chart 1.

The Avian Crisis Prevention story 2.

The Avian Crisis Vertical Forests solution 1.

The Avian Crisis Vertical Forests solution 3.

The Avian Crisis Vertical Forests solution 4.

The Avian Crisis Enviromental Resources story 1.

The Avian Crisis Enviromental Resources story 2.


The Avian Crisis Enviromental Resources chart 1.

The Avian Crisis Enviromental Resources chart 2.

The Avian Crisis Line of Credits page.

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