csfp | strategies & brand design

design strategies & brand identity | final project | uarts | senior year

This senior studio course focuses on the creation of a brand identity system. Students get introduced to the fundamental steps in conceiving, designing, and implementing an effective brand identity. Through a systematic process of inquiry and analysis, research, competitive evaluation, strategy, and design, understanding how brand identities become constructed, disseminated, and reinforced in the marketplace is attained.

At the onset, as a requirement, students search for a non-profit organization within Philadelphia that could use a refreshed brand mark. Children’s Scholarship Fund Philadelphia (CSFP), a privately funded organization whose mission is to provide children from under-resourced Philadelphia families with financial access to quality, safe, K-8th grade, tuition-based schools.

I sent a Letter of Proposal to my initial CSFP contact, Ms. C. Clymer, to obtain permission to proceed and a meeting. The client expressed an interest in the project; however, time did not permit them to have an appointment. Independent research and design experimentation resulted in a robust solution for the CSFP brand.

CSFP brand identity

CSFP brand identity variations

CSFP brand motifs

CSFP brand motif patterns 2

Halo, CSFPs Brand Ambassador

CSFP mobile & desktop

CSFP social media

CSFP collateral

CSFP stationery system

CSFP corporate signage

CSFP environmental

CSFP environmental

CSFP wearables

CSFP mug premium

CSFP water bottle premium

CSFP water bottle premium

CSFP photography styles

Ferari, Monza & F1 history thumbnail.

ferari & monza | evolution & history table

Wry Magazine thumbnail.

wry magazine | editorial design

Bob Marley One Journey thumbnail.

bob marley | one journey

Children’s Scholarship Fund Philadelphia thumbnail.

csfp | strategies & brand identity

Narrative & Typographic studies thumbnail.

narrative & typography | design studies

Boox app thumbnail.

boox | k – 12 education funding app

The Avian Crisis thumbnail.

the avian crisis | senior capstone project

Challenges thumbnail.

challenges | parallel narrative short

Free HTML5 by FreeHTML5.co

trapped | special effects short

A new Olde City thumbnail.

a new olde city | short depicting a place

Burger King thumbnail.

burger king | redemption ad campaign

Claritin ads thumbnail.

claritin | now ad-refresh campaign