boox | app design | k – 12 educational funding

design strategies in nonlinear experimentation | boox | crowdfunding platform | app design | final project | uarts | senior year

The Design Strategies in Nonlinear Experimentation studio course focuses on advanced interactive communications. The behaviors of research, collaboration, and presentation are practiced within problems involving complex systems. The progressive, collaborative relationship between designer and user, author and collaborator are investigated. This studio course challenges seniors to create a digital design solution that uses artistic creativity and technology to benefit humanity, the environment, wildlife, or social good.

Boox is a global crowdfunding platform focused on raising financial resources to support K – 12th-grade education initiatives. The Boox mobile app is the organization&srquo;s primary space for managing, promoting, and processing transactions—the organization will have a responsive site available for desktop.

Current numerous school districts nationwide face various deficits in learning resources for academics, the arts (visual, music, and performing,) and sports. Boox is an idea that addresses this unfortunate common issue directly. Parents, educators, administrators, or students can create a ninety-day campaign to raise funds to support any district-approved school-related program or activity financially. The footprint of its reach for backers is as large as the world, as Boox’s space is Internet-based. Patrons’ contributions on personal or corporate levels. Slightly used equipment donations are also accepted.

The project required establishing ideas for the brand’s virtual space, UX and UI design, digital and print promotions, and real-world implementations for interaction with backers in public areas.

Three Boox app UI screenshots 1 – 3 for mobile.

Three Boox app UI screenshots 4 – for mobile.

Boox app UI screenshots desktop and mobile.

Boox id and iconography.

Boox print ads and POS.

Boox on-premise OOH.

Boox on-premise POS.

Boox exec and on-premise fundraiser banks.

Boox t-shirt and tote.

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