a new olde city | a short depicting a place

direction, production, cinematography & video editing | final project | uarts | senior year

This Video & Film Production course assignment requires producing a short that depicts a place through vignettes of relative footage that create the particular space. I filmed and directed all of the scenes in this piece on a two-day shoot.

The ambiance of the piece incorporates a hint of live cityscape sound and Brendon Moeller’s “Sunshine Rain” track. “A new Olde City” depicts Philadelphia’s Old City transformation through a fusion of old and new architectural and infrastructural elements. This unscripted footage reflects the region’s new life character in an abstracted approach that gives the audience a different unexpected view of this historic area.

 A new Olde City: screen capture 1.

 A new Olde City: screen capture 2.

 A new Olde City: screen capture 3.

 A new Olde City: screen capture 4.

 A new Olde City: screen capture 5.

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