claritin | now concept | advertising-refresh campaign

advertising design & conceptualization | campaign | uarts | senior year

The new Claritin campaign’s objective is to create a fresh voice for the brand using different words. The marketing team wants to shift the direction of their new messaging—“Clear” or “Claritin Clear” are off the table.

The refreshed voice and style of the deliverables are modern, minimalistic script and image treatments. The ads’ looks will be about inclusivity. The feel of the photography is bright, clean, and inspirational. Print, digital, and OOH placements will support the campaign’s marketing initiative.

Claritin 24-hour will be the lead product feature. The Claritin 24-hour and Claritin-D 12-hour formulas will appear in special promotional placements. Claritin and The Philadelphia Flower Show will run a co-branding program in 2021 for their first outdoor venue due to the pandemic.

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